Observe is the head side of the coin
Reverse is the other side of the coin
Legend, also called the Inscription. This is the part of a coin that tells us important things like who made the coin, and how much it is worth.
The field is any flat area of the coin that hasn't been raised off of the coin during minting. The portion of the design that has been raised is called the relief.
The rim is the upraised part of the coin that runs all the way around the edge of the coin on both sides. The reason for the rim is three-fold: First, it protects the coin's design from wearing out too quickly; second, it makes the coins easier to stack, and third, it helps bring up the devices during striking.
A motto is a word or phrase that has a special meaning to people, perhaps stirring emotions or inspiring them.
Edge of the coin it has a plain, unadorned surface. The edge is the actual side of the coin.
The mint mark is a letter or symbol that tells us where the coin was minted.
One of the most important parts of a coin's design is called as portrait.
The date on the coin tells us when the coin was minted
Image source republicindiacoin.blogspot.in, coincollectingnews.org
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